About Us
We are a large, international, cross-industry ISAO. We are membership-driven. Our members represent a broad cross-section of industry including CIKR members, government, and private organizations/individuals.
We adhere to the identified values and differential approach that a true ISAO offers. We are not trying to be an ISAC. We do not pretend to be connected to, or affiliated with, the federal government of the United States of America. We do not take a federal government data feed and re-issue it as our own. We are a private organization delivering game-changing information, services, and training to our members. Our data volume is among the largest in the world.
- Completely customizable data. Delivered in real-time to your systems.
- Data available in multiple formats: Syslog, Stix/Taxii, or downloadable as Comma Separated Values (CSV) file.
- Easy integration via our Application Programing Interface (API).
Our members enjoy an array of services and information products tailored to the needs of the defenders of networks, intellectual property, SCADA, Internet Control Systems (ICS), cloud computing, and financial institutions.
Our members remain confidential but may identify themselves by their own choice.
We are a part of the Cyber Warfare Range’s operations and management. The Cyber Warfare Range is an official cyber warfare range operator of the National Cyber War Foundation.
Become a memberJoin our collaboration for mutual defense.
Save 90% of your team's time by only receiving relevant data. Customized and managed by your team.
Cybersecurity news from 500+ sources. Track security industry news. Your team can stay on top of all cybersecurity industry news as it happens. older articles are kept and searchable.
Don't wait. receive real-time data sent directly to your systems (SIEM, Firewalls, XDR, etc).
We already know that emails on Fridays is not useful in protecting you organization.
360 degree view.
Automatic cross-referencing of all data.
Common Vulnerability Enumerations (CVE)
Known Hacking Entities
Indicators of Compromise (IoC)
Data is automatically cross-referenced and linked so your team gets the complete picture.
Benefits of Membership
Threat Intelligence
Real-time threat intelligence.
- Real-time threat intelligence (IoCs, IoAs) that is customized/tailored by your team. The data you receive is only what your team identifies as relevant.
- Improves your defensive posture
- Helps you mitigate risk and vulnerabilities more efficiently and effectively
- Helps you identify hostile activity and breaches quickly with both historical and real-time data
- Engages you with our collaborative defenses as a member of our large ISAO organization
Education and Training
From the front lines of cybersecurity and top industry talent.
- Access to our next generation cyber exercises. A members-only benefit.
- Rapidly get up to speed in cybersecurity concepts, best practices, and standard operating procedures (SOPs)
- Helps you maintain your knowledge with real-time industry news, activities, training, and collaboration among our members
- Save time and money by utilizing curated materials maintained by skilled cybersecurity leaders
Reference Materials
In-depth, comprehensive, and updated in real-time.
- A central source for unique and difficult to find information and data
- Grants you access to utilize our up-to-date reference materials maintained automatically and in real-time
- Help you to empower your team with collaboration, enriched by automated updates
Global reach
A truly global perspective from our growing membership and collaborations.
We utilize five (5) high-performance computing clusters, and automatically scaling system, and proactive bots that stalk the bad guys 24x7.
Our members and collaborations allow us to see well beyond our physical presences to see a much larger picture of what is happening around the world.
We utilize a Continuous Improvement Process (CIP) to keep our capabilites up-to-date and in the lead.
Corporate, small business, non-profit, and individuals.
Where to Buy
LiveSquare Security
All membership types available. Website: https://www.livesquare.comEmail: [email protected]
LiveSquare Security is the official corporate partner for direct sales of the CWR ISAO memberships. It is a C-Corporation and transactions are commercial.
Charter Members
Charter members may renew their memberships directly with us at CWR ISAO.
Charter Memberships must be renewed each year to remain active. Organizations with Charter membership lapses must renew as a normal ISAO member.
Contact Us
Threat Intelligence, industry news, our research, invaluable resources.
Pricing and availability for our memberships are dependent on our corporate partners. Charter members should contact our ISAO directly with any questions, issues, or needs.
ISAO’s are communities based on trust. This means each member and their organization is individually accountable for their actions, behavior (past and present), and their discretion. The CWR ISAO reserves the right to terminate memberships at any time. We will strenuously ensure the integrity, confidentiality, and viability of our ISAO.
National Cyber War Foundation
Cyber warfare Range